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"Are you able to use open source intelligence to solve this challenge?"

The download file is the old school windowsXP desktop backgorund

Can't get a lot from this... UNLESS we read the hint ("exiftool is your friend. Who is the author of the image? Do they have any social media accounts?"), we drop into the MetaData of the file. Let's do that.

Let's take a look at that OWoodflint copywrite. The first google search result takes us to a Twitter account of @OWoodflint who's user profile picture is a cat.

The answer is cat

The hint for the next step is "BSSID +"

BSSID stands for Basic Service Set Identifier and is usually the MAC of an AP or WiFi router. You can find this by using this command on your PC

netsh wlan show interfaces

What's awesome is the Twitter account shows us that BSSID:


Using the hint, I went here to convert the Lat, Long into decimal form the went to to put them into the search field. They want us to use the BSSID so let's figure that out.

Latitude 54.2947972
Longitude -2.2503694444444444

After filtering by the BSSID I had to zoom WAY out to see where it was:

Looks like London

The answer is London

Getting the SSID required a sign up to the app to do an advanced search. Once we did that, we were able to zoom right in and see the information.

The answer is UnileverWiFi

Next up is his personal email address. Going back to google, I have Twitter, a blog and a GitHub site. Navigating to the GitHub site is a "here's me" kinda page and it gives out his email address.

The answer is
The answer is GitHub

If we pop over to the blog, we can see that he's gone on vaction currently in New York

The answer is New York

I had to look this one up but the clue was actually staring me in the face the whole time. When you do a google search, the blog site has this "pennYDropper." text right after the text in the search you find.

After looking at another walk-through, I saw it was hidden text on the website

The answer is pennYDr0pper.!




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