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Cracking Hashes with John The Ripper



Clone this repository to get it installed:

git clone <> -b bleeding-jumbo john 


cd john/src/ 

to change your current directory to where the source code is.

Once you're in this directory, use


to check the required dependencies and options that have been configured.

If you're happy with this output, and have installed any required dependencies that are needed, use

make -s clean && make -sj4 

to build a binary of john. This binary will be in the above run directory, which you can change to with

cd ../run

You can test this binary using

./john --test

Important to note here is you HAVE to use


you can’t just call john. If you do, you may be picking up the default john installed on the system, which doesn’t offer the same availability of hash types.

./john [options] [path to file]


Use Hash ID to find the type of hash then run John like this

./john --format=[format] --wordlist=[path to wordlist] [path to file]

-format= - This is the flag to tell John that you're giving it a hash of a specific format (found from HashID), and to use the following format to crack it then [format] - The format that the hash is in.


./john --format=raw-md5 --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ****hash_to_crack.txt

To find the right format you can search for the hash type that hashid found for you by doing this

./john —list=formats | grep “[format]”

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